2007-06-05 2:11 AM
2011-05-17 12:44 AM
Hi all,
I have an application where a STR912 communicates with a PIC controller using CAN bus. The STR912 sends data to the PIC controller. when I configure the STR CAN device in testmode with loopback enabled (not silent), It works fine. On my oscilloscope, I see a valid CAN message and my PIC receives this message correct. However, when I disable the loopback, on the oscilloscope I see a train of pulses for 1 second and the pic does not receive any valid message. I use the STR912 library. I think it has something to do with bus-arbitration, but the function CAN_sendMessage() does not return an ERROR condition. Can somebody help me please. Luc vercruysse.2011-05-17 12:44 AM
Try changing the bit timing
In 91x_can.c if have changed the line: CAN_TIMING(11, 4, 4, 4), /*0x3AC3 125 kbit/s 16 11 4 4 4 */ to: CAN_TIMING(13, 5, 4, 40), /*0x3AC3 125 kbit/s 16 11 4 4 4 */ I am using ST library and and 96MHz PCLK. The timing is not perfect but works for my first test.2011-05-17 12:44 AM
Thank you for response. I did already change the baudrate settings to the correct settings. There were 2 problems, one problem on the PIC-side. After solving this problem it still didn't work. As I sead in an earlier thread there are problems using UARTs on port3 in combination with CAN on port 5. I found out that when defining the Txd pins (as output)on port 3, you have to disconnect them from input function using GPIOInit.GPIO_IPConnected = GPIO_IPConnected_Disable. I think I have to start a new thread with this bug, somewhere on this forum somebody has the same problem. Luc