2007-09-12 4:58 AM
Bad JTAG communication : problem on several boards
2007-04-19 7:09 AM
I've had the following problem on several boards. At the begining the board works fine, no problem to download the soft and to make it work. Then the board is no more working, and I have the message : bad Jtag communication, no communication with core. I didn't change anything on my configuration. I try to reduce the Jtag speed, but no change. I suspect a problem with ESD and the JTAG link. Is the JTAG sensitive to ESD ? (I don't have ESD protection on JTAG). Does anybody has the same problem ? I've had 4 boards perfectly working and 3 are not working anymore (even the demo-board from ST). I'm working on STR7 using IAR environnement. Thanks for your help, Greg2007-04-23 2:20 AM
Thanks for these advices, but it doesn't solve the problems. Impossible to dialog beween the Jtag and the 3 boards (using adaptive option, driver update). Thanks for your help. Greg2007-05-02 5:56 AM
Sorry for the late answer. Here are the messages I get using the Jlink.exe utility: ----------------------------------------------------- SEGGER J-Link Commander V3.68b ('?' for help) Compiled Mar 30 2007 16:52:53 DLL version V3.68b, compiled Mar 30 2007 16:52:49 Firmware: J-Link compiled Mar 22 2007 16:08:22 ARM Rev.5 Hardware: V5.40 S/N : 45400496 OEM : IAR VTarget = 3.015V JTAG speed: 30 kHz ****** Error: Could not find ARM7 / ARM9 device on JTAG chain Trying to connect with 5 kHz ! ****** Error: Could not find ARM7 / ARM9 device on JTAG chain J-Link> --------------------------------------------------------- And below the log file obtained using the adaptive speed for the J-link. The result is the same if I use a low speed (5kHz). --------------------------------------------------------- Logging started @ 2007-05-02 16:16 T0910 000:000 JLINKARM_GetCompileDateTime() (0000ms) DLL Compiled: Mar 30 2007 16:52:49 T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_SelectUSB(Port = 0) returns 0x00 (0000ms) T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_ConfigJTAG(IRPre = 0, DRPre = 0) (0000ms) T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_SetEndian(ARM_ENDIAN_LITTLE) returns 0x00 (0000ms) T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_ResetPullsTRST(OFF) (0000ms) T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_EnableLog(...) (0000ms) T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_SetErrorOutHandler(...) (0000ms) T0910 000:001 JLINKARM_Open()Firmware: J-Link compiled Mar 22 2007 16:08:22 ARM Rev.5 Firmware: J-Link compiled Mar 22 2007 16:08:22 ARM Rev.5 returns O.K. (0011ms) T0910 000:012 JLINKARM_GetFirmwareString(...) (0000ms) T0910 000:012 JLINKARM_GetEmuCaps() returns 0x5FFBF (0001ms) T0910 000:013 JLINKARM_SetSpeed(65535) >0x170 JTAG> (0017ms) T0910 000:030 JLINKARM_ResetPullsRESET(OFF) (0001ms) T0910 000:031 JLINKARM_Reset() >0x170 JTAG>_ResetNormal: >0x170 JTAG> >0x170 JTAG> >0x30 JTAG> ***** Error: JTAG Timeout during adaptive clocking: RTCK did not respond. ***** Error: Received 0xFFFFFFFF as core Id. No communication with core._ResetBP0: >0x08 JTAG> ***** Error: JTAG Timeout during adaptive clocking: RTCK did not respond. ***** Error: Could not find ARM7 / ARM9 device on JTAG chain -- Has error (0100ms) T0910 002:198 JLINKARM_GetIdData(...) (0000ms) Closed ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for your support, Greg2007-09-12 3:29 AM
I am working with the STR912 and I have EXACTLY the same problem, so the problem is not only related to the ARM7. My J-link is brandnew, the signals on the scope are perfect and I get no RTCK back. It stays low (hard). And of course, TDO remains high.... I have only two boards and both react the same. What can be done about this? Greetings, Dreeke