2005-04-23 1:10 AM
2005-04-22 12:14 AM
first of all did you probe IDE signals and sure is it working? (signals on data bits should togle..)
======================= no, it looks 2V . but when poweron, it toggled. the 74LC245 is very hot. MASETR# is HIGH. and if you press enter repetedly, the the boot message repeats itself on the screen? ) ========================== no what device are you using? =========================== M4256-3.3V the boot message seems to be that of GeneraSoftware. and press ctrl-c when it enters BIOS screen and check the boot device setting in menu. ============================ the keyboard can not respond, but when power-on, the NumLock/CapsLock。。LED flash twice, it looks good. I think the DAT/CLK goes to SIO. but the CPU can not responed, because When I press key, the IRQ1 goes to HIGH from LOW level. when BIOS read the IRQ, it must clear this IRQ1. [ This message was edited by: vehicle007 on 22-04-2005 13:04 ]2005-04-22 12:42 AM
end of booting , when I press the key, The KEY_CLK is holding Clock low, but KEY_DATA is HIGH!!??. So the CPU want communicate to keyboard, but the KEY_DATA is not toggled.
I think the CPU can send data to Keyboard, but the can not received the data from keyboard. at this time , I probe ISAOE#/RMRTCCS# all goes to HI? Is it right? IASOE=1 ->IDE ? ISAOE=0 ->ISA ?[ This message was edited by: vehicle007 on 22-04-2005 14:03 ]2005-04-22 5:01 AM
The buffers shouldn't get hot...there's something to check there!
The keyboard controller only uses the I/O addresses 60 and 64 (and the IRQ line) to communicate with the CPU. When the BIOS displays the configuration screen (the blue one with the list of the devices, before it says R-reboot...) does it show all the devices that you are expecting? like the serial ports?2005-04-22 5:34 PM
1. LS245 buffer used in IDE path should not be 'VERY HOT', it only can be compromised to say 'it is WARM'. if it is HOT, check the PCB status between its output pins and its GND pin. or VCC pin. check the soldering and wash out the flux that could remain. or, replace the chip with new one.
2.yes. ISAOE# is issued low when it accesses ISA bus. but remeber. it multiplexes ISA bus signal out of signal from CPU so seen from IDE connector. it reflects directly ISA bus activity to be easily watched. RMRTCCS# is issued when it accesses boot ROM. but strange. if CPU tries to read KBD or SER port data from SMSC SIO, the ISAOE# should be togled. 3. running DOS, if you do the codes to poll the SIO you can get the message from outer world through SIO (which is totally absurd in real aspect of application..) if SIO misses interrupt. there seems to be no accommodation for real software to run on it. 4.if DDx shows nothin, it means ISAbus in that address space shows no action. but if chip multiplexes IDE and lower ISA address bits. it is probable that ISA part died. check PCI siganls and ISA signals. if they shows no action. (ISA activity is reflected on PCI bus.) the bus core died. check all the basic clocks. if it doesnt work, it means the whole hardware is not in stable level. if all clocks are working as start- strapped but no PCI and ISA clocks running, then the bus signal integrity is bad. the chips power plane seems to be designed without significant error. 5. probing IRQ on board with osciloscope may make glitch on that line. and make erronous notification to BIOS. though, you can't easily conclude that BIOS died. because the solid code will mask interrupt as soon as it enters critical section. if the programmer of the BIOS code are sane enough. (oh i admit that critical section is abuse of the notion. i never heard a BIOS supporing multi threading or multi tasking..) but in this case. you have to make glitch synchronous to 14.4Mhz clock. and you noticed IRQ1 action. so lets forget about the probing problem. 6. regarding your CPLD, check it works properly. short IRQ inputs at randome pattern to gnd and probe ISACLKx2 and ISAclk and each muxouts. and see if it multiplexes lines corectly. after all that has no misfunctioning. then you have to go back to SIO side. Felix pointed right thing. check the device list that BIOS makes. 7.General BIOS by default supports headless operation. (if things is the same with VEGA..) have the 9pin serial cable , Female to female or cross cable (pin #2 and pin#3 should be connected at each end.) and test pulg out the VGA and see serial port on host side. use hyper terminal with 115200 bps 8 bits data 1 stop bit and no flow control. if it doeesnt show message on hyper terminal, the SIO - MUX/DMUX - CPU signal flow path has problem. 8. update BIOS to brand new on for fear that older BIOS may set the chipset initialization value not properly. 9. DOC200 is slower. i dont know about in DOS cases DOC2000 runs a block device emulator sw so booting from it is lazy. compared to magnetic HDD. BTW. are you working on the ref eval board or your own board? i am quite confused so far..2005-04-22 6:40 PM
[ This message was edited by: vehicle007 on 23-04-2005 07:50 ]2005-04-22 7:31 PM
I'm sorry i i offended you. i didnt mean it at all. if i did. i appologize to you for it. ;)
see. revisiting your schema, look at the serial resistors on IRQs did you insert any pulled up or pull down between those resistors and CPLD? or check cpld data sheet that the pin for the IRQ input has internal pull up. this may cause an error. try short those resistors.2005-04-22 7:44 PM
oh, Thank you Twitwity! I am very happy for your help, My poor English.
I found I have make a mistake! I'll check it. I have a demo board for test my own cpu board :-] :-]2005-04-22 7:53 PM
Oh, my god, the key running!!! thanks Twitwity, thinks Felix.
But :-[ it can not found harddisk(80G/Maxtor Disk) :-[ :-[2005-04-22 8:23 PM
congrats! :D
in BIOS start message press CTRL-C and enter into BIOS. and examine HDD setup and bootdevice. and drive number. and try that again. in my expereince with VEGA, the internal chip works without pain once outer stuff gets alright. and remember to check or replace your 245 side. and one tip more. if you used TL7705A in reset path. the 2.2k resistor for sense is quite tight. it may cause another board start problem when you get the board for mass production. refer to 7705 datasheet and note that internal ref vtg Vref is 2.53v and internal devider is 7.8k and 10k so applying 5v through 2.2k resistor is very tight condition. (dont ignore resitors tolerance and thermal value drift.) you can do 1k ohm with this resistor . and Ct value can be no prob upto 1uF. in case those values are critical, you can see SAW-tooth waveform on Ct pin.) if the CPU part and SIO part works properly. the reset condition is next checkup when board doesnt start. good luck. [ This message was edited by: Twitwity on 23-04-2005 09:00 ]2005-04-23 1:10 AM
in BIOS start message press CTRL-C and enter into BIOS.
and examine HDD setup and bootdevice. and drive number. ================= Many types, I select Autoconfig LBA for my 80G HDD. Perhaps the Disk is too large?? Tomorrow I'll try to replace 74LC245. and one tip more. if you used TL7705A in reset path. the 2.2k resistor for sense is quite tight. it may cause another board start problem when you get the board for mass production. ====================== Yes! So I change it to MAX6316, MAX6316 is very small and it has a Watchdog(1.6s) [ This message was edited by: vehicle007 on 24-04-2005 05:06 ]