2006-09-04 12:13 AM
About Address Hold Time, Help me pls!!!
2006-08-17 1:39 AM
I am using STR710FZ2T6, from the datasheet we can see the Address Hold Time is just 3ns, actually I measured with oscilloscope, the time less than 3ns, but my LCD(SED1335) and some other chips need the Address Hold Time to be at least 10ns. :-[
Is there anyone can tell me how to do with this problem?2006-08-18 1:49 AM
No one can help me? Or no one encounter this issue?
In my project RTL8019AS and LCD(SED1335), need the Adress Hold Time to be 10ns at least. I am afraid if I can not meet this, system can not run stable.2006-09-04 12:13 AM
More problem found, even the FLASH(M29W160) can not run stable due to the address hold time, but the FLASH do not need more Address Hold Time(0ns).
I wonder if i can set some register to make this time a little longer, maybe 10ns is enough, but unfortunately no such register provided. please help me, this problem make me creazy.