2021-05-03 12:50 PM
When using a key pair stored in the STSAFE. how does on create a CSR when you dont have asscess to the private key.
Are there any examples of how one might do this.
2022-01-12 1:50 AM
Hi @Community member,
Did you still need this feature ?
Basically, you can use MbedTLS integration to craft the CSR and reroute ECC signature generation to STSAFE-A feature to generate CSR signature.
If needed, I can share some code example for MbedTLS integration and CSR generation.
Best Regards,
2022-10-31 6:34 PM
I also need to sign a CSR with the STSAFE-A110.
> If needed, I can share some code example for MbedTLS integration and CSR generation.
This would be great.
2022-12-21 8:21 AM
How does a CSR code signing certificate work?
It is a first step towards having your own SSL/TLS certificate that you need to send a certificate signing request (CSR). A CSR is a document that is generated on the same server as the one where a certificate is going to be installed. It contains information (e.g. common name, organization, country) that the Certificate Authority (CA) will use to create the certificate.
2023-02-27 5:30 AM
Hi @CWein.1 ,
I'm not sure this is still relevant but I have added some code example using MbedTLS here
Best Regards,
2023-12-10 7:52 AM
The above link is reporting "Page not found". Would it be possible to fix the link?