2007-11-19 12:47 AM
Write memory error @ address 0x5C002000, word access: Memory access timeout
2011-05-17 12:33 AM
Hi All,
I could flash my STR912 dongle with no problem before. This morning, I suddenly got the following error when I re-flashed the unit: ''Write memory error @ address 0x5C002000, word access: Memory access timeout.'' Is this caused by hardware fault (JLink or the board)? Any help is very much appreciated.2011-05-17 12:33 AM
I had the same problem. I am able to recreate the situation that kills the chip! It appears to be a bug in the C-SPY interface, in that if the chip gets misconfigured, it is impossible to regain control.
The problem occurred when 91x_conf.h was misconfigured. I forgot to uncomment the #define _GPIO2 line. When the GPIO2 was configured, it was using 0x00000000 as the base address instead of the proper memory location ((GPIO_TypeDef *)GPIO2_BASE). When it configures the (wrong) GPIO input, it immediately crashes. Even worse, you can't exit this state using the IAR tools! What I did to exit the state was to use Keil uVision and ULINK to completely erase the chip. Then I was able to switch back to IAR and the j-link to step through the code until I found the problem. I can understand that misconfiguring the CPU can break the debugger, but there really should be a way for IAR/J-link to regain control by fulling erasing the chip. I can't find this feature in IAR EWARN. Mark2011-05-17 12:33 AM
Hi Elai,
If you are using the IAR board, please make ETM_P66 pin 2-3 close and ETM_P67 pin 2-3 close. Yuantu2011-05-17 12:33 AM
I had the same problem as Mark (lakata) described.
Unfortunately it seems that it can not be solved, using Jlink with IAR environment just trying to reprogram the flash memory, because it gives the error above. I was not able to erase the flash memory also using a simple wiggler circuit with openOCD. With my wiggler circuit I was not able to halt the ARM core that has this problem. I solved the problem using another Jtag interface with openOCD for ftdi chips. (Amontec Jtag-Tiny key). I think the secret is to manage correctly the reset pin (there are more then one) on the jtag interface. Maybe this Amontec Jtag interface do it correctly. I had no time to check the difference between a RESET from Jlink and Amontec key. Maybe there is an issue in the GPIO port configuration. Check your firmware. Marco