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STVD7 3.1.1. Simulator problems

Associate II
Posted on May 25, 2005 at 11:04

STVD7 3.1.1. Simulator problems

Associate II
Posted on April 04, 2005 at 05:28

I am simulating my code with the latest version of STVD7 (3.1.1).

I have configured the project to use Sim (ST7FLITE29).

The first problem I have found is an incompatibility of the stimuli (*.in) file.

Those files were generated by the Waveform Editor that it is included in the previous version, since it is missing in the latest one.

When I open a *.in file, the simulator complains (''Invalid pin command'').

After some close inspection to the simulation dll, I discovered that my problem was due to an uppercase character.

The digital input syntax is

PIN {PIN NAME} -i {0/1} {TIME}

while the Waveform Editor writes according to the following syntax:

PIN {PIN NAME} -I {0/1} {TIME}

As regards analogue and cyclic values, the problem is the same: an uppercase character instead of a lowercase one.

The syntax to be used to express these values is:


PIN {PIN NAME} -a {value} {TIME}

Will the Waveform editor be corrected?

The second problem, arises when I try to simulate my code for a long time (about 10 seconds): the waveforms that the plotter window displays stop after about 2 seconds.

It is a problem of my setting, or there is a limit in the simulator?

Any suggestion is welcome...

Thanks in advance


Associate II
Posted on April 20, 2005 at 14:52

You are right, the compatibility with upper/lower case will be reintroduced in the next official release of STVD7.

As for the waveform editor, this tool is no longer supported by ST.

The maximum simulation time for the STVD7 ST7 simulator is around 9 minutes (2^32 cycles) BUT the plotter can display on the first 2 seconds (2^31 ns). Sorry for the inconvenience but this will not be fixed in the next release of STVD7.

Best regards,


Associate II
Posted on April 21, 2005 at 05:14

If the plotter can not display all the simulation data, is there a way to save this data to an ASCII file?

This file will be easily plotted by utilities such as gnuplot...

Thanks in advance,


Associate II
Posted on May 25, 2005 at 11:04

The next release of STVD7 (r3.2.0) will provide the ability to dump the plotter data in a file in VCD format. The 2s limitation will no longer exist, only the limitations induced by the size of the file generated and the 9minutes limitation of the simulator will remain.

VCD format is supported by GPL software like GTKWave.