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STM32H755 and TouchGFX



I am working on a project that is a custom board with a STM32H755

This is a MCU that does not have a "development" or "discovery" board, so i have to build the project by myself from scratch.

I am using:

CubeIDE 1.12.0

TouchGFX 4.21.3

CubeMX 6.8

What i can share by know about my issue is:

I have follow the steps on the videos by (1) - YouTube but problems are like, they are kinda "old" and the environment has change and also he had use there a "single core" MCU and i am working with a double core MCU, so for example the "fixer" that he uses for the "simulator" issues does not work for me as he shows on the video.

At this point i could not reach the point that i can even "compile" the project without issues. I am stuck at the point that i did provide all the paths/includes for the TouchGFX generated files, but the project does not find or compile due the "simulator" folders.

Also, i did notice that when i do create a project for a customboard on TouchGFX and then i do generate code, it does not comes with "simulator" folders as it does if i do create a project from CubeMX then CubeIDE and then TouchGFX.

Hope some one can guide me a little to go through this step!

I look forward to hear from you guys!



Accepted Solutions

Hello MM..1,

Thanks for your words.

I could solve the issue by:

  • Adding paths for TouchGFX
    • generated folder and his internal folders -> gui, text, video, etc
  • Adding middlewares folders for TouchGFX
  • Removing Simulator folders from both previous steps.
  • Adding librarie paths for :libtouchgfx-float-abi-hard.a
    • i found this lastone checking an example project for a discovery board.

After all this, i did test the project adding a bitmap and making the LTDC start from it.

Now i am going to try starting a touchGFX generated template.

Thanks a lot for your words!

View solution in original post

Chief II

Hi, start project only from CubeIDE. Use new project and configure all in wizard (internal MX no external)

For simple conf, dont add TouchGFX in this stage.

Add code for display hw init and other hw ... Test it.

After all work open ioc file in CubeIDE and add software package Touchgfx.

Configure it ... generate code ... refresh project ... open touchgfx template added to your project tree and generate code for gui. Go back to IDE and build.


Hello MM..1,

Thanks for your words.

I could solve the issue by:

  • Adding paths for TouchGFX
    • generated folder and his internal folders -> gui, text, video, etc
  • Adding middlewares folders for TouchGFX
  • Removing Simulator folders from both previous steps.
  • Adding librarie paths for :libtouchgfx-float-abi-hard.a
    • i found this lastone checking an example project for a discovery board.

After all this, i did test the project adding a bitmap and making the LTDC start from it.

Now i am going to try starting a touchGFX generated template.

Thanks a lot for your words!

Hello MM..1

After knowing all code works and i can watch a bitmap in my display (following this video How to integrate TouchGFX in a custom board (The long way round) - YouTube) now i am stuck at changing from the bitmap to the TouchGFX generated project.

As in the video, i have changed the Start adress 0xc0000000 to the bitmap i generated, it worked.

Now when i am going to open the ApplicationTemplate.touchgfx.part and generating code, i get an error like in this -> TouchGFX Designer : Error "Unable to locate C:/<path_to_folder>" (

4 months ago Richard Lowe did answered that for fixing this issue, in a H7 (double core) you have to do the following:

-You will need to copy the .cproject file from the CM7 directory to the root.

-Run the TouchGFX designer and generate code

-Edit the .cproject file in the root and replace all the ../CM7 references with ../

-Copy/Move the .cproject file back to the CM7 directory

-Deal with the simulator files that need to be excluded from the project

I have done all these steps and could generate code from TouchGFX without issues. But at this point i still have "black" screen when testing the proyect in my board.

I change the StartAdress back to the bitmap, and it works.

Do you have any idea where i am doing things wrong? Maybe everything? D:!

Seems bugs and errors in MX and ST is neverending story.
For help you, zip project exclude release,debug,midlewares and drivers folders or delete it after ziping from archive.
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