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STR9 IAP Problem

Associate II
Posted on March 16, 2009 at 07:16

STR9 IAP Problem

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 09:58

Dear All,

We want to use IAP in one of our application which uses STR912FAW44x6.

For POC we tried your Application Note AN2475 Code & PDF.

We Compiled IAP code in RIDE7 & downloaded it with RFlasher( Flasher

Software ) & RLink( Flasher Hardware ) in STR9 Evaluation Board. For

flashing from UART we were using ST Flasher tool.

But we faced following issues( 2 issues solved, 1 unsolved ) in it.

1) IAP code was getting hang ( i.e. not responding to ST Flasher tool ).

After debuging it is found that it gets hang when FMI clock was

enabled. It got worked after setting its clock devisor

to ''SCU_FMICLK_Div2'' which was

previously ''SCU_FMICLK_Div1''. Thus this issue is solved. :-D

2) ST Flasher tool doesn't works with hex( compiled code of Application

Note example with RIDE ) file. When we selects hex file at next step,

it was giving ''Address not allowed'' error in it. Even it was not

displaying correct file size in it.

This issue solved when we converted hex file to bin

& downloaded it. :-D

3) IAP code is not executing application code through it ( if Push

Button not pressed ).

After debugging it found that code gets

hang at ''FMI->BBADR = 0x80000 >> 2;'' in

function ''Execute_STR9Application'' ( execute_application.c ).

We are debugging this step &

still not found any solution for it. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

How can we check whether IAP code downloaded in Secondary Flash & application code is downloaded in Primary Flash ?

We request You to help us in solution of 3rd issue.

Please reply as early as possible.
