2003-07-08 12:39 AM
STPC Elite Instruction Set Reference
2003-07-07 10:37 PM
I've got an STPC ELite up and running, and want to find out about the instruction set (Instruction timming is what I'm looking for). I'm assuming here, does the 'Standard 486 Processor Core Programming Manual (Nov 199 ' on this site relate to the STPC elite? MurF ------2003-07-07 11:54 PM
Yes. All STPCs use the same 486 core except the STPC Vega (Pentium II class). The core have been optimized in term of frequency but the instruction set and timings stay unchanged.
Farfalla2003-07-08 12:39 AM
Most Wicked! Ta thanks Farfalla.