2007-03-07 03:04 PM
2011-05-17 12:37 AM
Hi all,
I solved the above problem with a slight change in the ISR as shown below: __irq void RTC_ISR(void) { k=1; tmp = RTC->SR; // clear RTC Periodic Interrupt flag VIC1->VAR=0; // dummy write to Vector Address Register while (VIC1->VAR !=0); RTC->CR = 0x00200000; // 128Hz Periodic interrupt disabled RTC->CR = 0x00240000; // 128Hz Periodic interrupt selected } I don't know whether I can disable and enable the periodic interrupt every time the interrupt occurs, but it has worked. Can anybody please tell me whether I can do this or not? Regards, Neelima. :D2011-05-17 12:37 AM
Hai all,
In my code for RTC periodic interrupt, the ISR is becomming reentrant. in the execution profile i've observed that thte VIC1->VAR register is not resetting after the assaignment. My code is: #include void CMP_Configuration(void); __irq void RTC_ISR(void); u8 k=0; vu32 tmp; void main() { u8 d=0x00; #ifdef DEBUG debug(); #endif CMP_Configuration(); while(1) { if (k==1) { k=0; GPIO7->DR[0x3FC] = ~d; } } } /********************************Subroutines******************************/ void CMP_Configuration(void) { /********************* VIC Configuration******************************/ VIC1->VAiR[0] = (unsigned int)RTC_ISR; // Interrupt vector address = ISR VIC1->INTSR = 0x00; // RTC interrupt is IRQ type VIC1->VCiR[0] = 0x28; // RTC interrupt configured at 0 priority VIC1->INTER |= 0x0100; // RTC interrupt enabled. /*************************RTC Configuration***************************/ RTC->CR |= 0x80; // Write enable date, time and milli second registers RTC->DTR = 0x20070202; // Date initialization RTC->TR = 0x12154552; // Time initialization RTC->MILR = 0x00000000; // Milli Second Initialization RTC->CR &= ~0x80; // Write disable date, time and milli second registers RTC->CR = 0x00240000; // 128Hz Periodic interrupt selected tmp = RTC->SR; // Clear RTC Periodic Interrupt Flag /*************************GPIO7 Configuration****************************/ GPIO7->DDR |= GPIO_Pin_All; // All pins in GPIO7 are o/p pins SCU->GPIOOUT[0x07] = 0x5555;//O/pis of general purpose type(alternate o/p1) SCU->GPIOTYPE[0x07]= 0X0000; // All pins are of push-pull type SCU->GPIOIN[7] = 0x0000; // IP connection disabled. } __irq void RTC_ISR(void) { k=1; tmp = RTC->SR; // clear RTC Periodic Interrupt flag VIC1->VAR=0; // dummy write to Vector Address Register } If I modify the ISR like shown below, it is properly working but with a long delay. __irq void RTC_ISR(void) { k=1; tmp = RTC->SR; // clear RTC Periodic Interrupt flag VIC1->VAR=0; // dummy write to Vector Address Register while (VIC1->VAR !=0); } Can any body give me the solution? please, it is very urgent. Regards, Neelima2011-05-17 12:38 AM
Could i ask - what behaviour/functionality are you after ?
putting a while loop, eg. while (VIC1->VAR !=0); in a interrupt routine is not a wise thing todo. Regards sjo2011-05-17 12:38 AM
Hi sjo,
I need to generate an RTC periodic interrupt for every 15.625 msec. Don't go with the first code. Pleasetell me whether the modified code is viable or not. Regards, Neelima. :o2011-05-17 12:38 AM
Could i ask - what behaviour/functionality are you after ?
putting a while loop, eg. while (VIC1->VAR !=0); in a interrupt routine is not a wise thing todo. Regards sjo I had the same problem: http://mcu.st.com/mcu/forums-cat-4996-21.html The while loop executes only once so it is useless but doesn't hurt either! this is the irq handler from example given by Mirou: void RTC_IRQHandler(void) { vu32 tmp = 0; RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_Per, DISABLE); //disable RTC Periodic interrupt RTC->CR &=~0xF0000; //clear PISEL field tmp=RTC->SR; //read the SR register GPIO_WriteBit(GPIO0,GPIO_Pin_7,Bit_SET); GPIO_WriteBit(GPIO0,GPIO_Pin_7,Bit_RESET); RTC_PeriodicIntConfig(RTC_Per_1024Hz); RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_Per, ENABLE); //reenable Periodic interrupt } As explained in my original post I think the RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_Per, DISABLE); //disable RTC Periodic tmp=RTC->SR; //read the SR register RTC_ITConfig(RTC_IT_Per, ENABLE); //reenable Periodic interrupt is not necessary! regards, Andras2011-05-17 12:38 AM
Hi Andras,
I dont think it reasonable to reinitialize the periodic interrupt every time. It changes the whole idea of the RTC interrupt being periodic. But I doubt whether it is viable to reinitialize the period of interrupt( the frequency selection part). Please clear my doubt. Check the code I've used with the modified IRQ. It is working well. Regards, Neelima.2011-05-17 12:38 AM
Hi Neelima,
>I dont think it reasonable to reinitialize the periodic interrupt every time That was my point too, the only difference is I don't think you really need the while loop either. My experience is that changing only the PISEL bits does not alter the counter itself. regards, Andras2011-05-17 12:38 AM
Hi Andras,
Thankyou for the reply. My doubt is whether we need to reinitialize the PISEL bits evry time. Can't the periodic interrupt be working well without this part. Please clear my doubt. Regards, Neelilma.2011-05-17 12:39 AM
Hi Neelilma,
>My doubt is whether we need to reinitialize the PISEL bits evry time I need sure enough! I consider this a silicon bug, and expect to see it listed in next errata. Fortunately it has this workaround and is not a so big deal (max 5 instruction + 3 constant). Last errata was issued on 5.feb.2007 but this issue popped up only on 15.feb.2007. So maybe we have to wait a while for official confirmation. regards, Andras