2013-08-30 08:35 AM
Hi. I'am a starter in MCU programming. I got MCB-STR9 Development board which is done by using str912faw44 MCU(ARM 9 based). I also got uVİsion 4 software for MCU programming. I could not find any kind of beginner tutorials online. Could someone help me. Where can I find tutorial or what is your advice for me to do?
I know normal C Programming, but no experience on MCU Programming. (I am now 4th grade electronics engineer in Üniversity. I heard that at University 4th grade our MCU education is too general. So I decided to try for myself before lessons.(also I will continue until I am done with them.)). Can someone help please?2016-12-11 12:36 PM
used to have a programmers guide for STR912, containing lessons and exercises, with title 'The insider's guide to the STR91x ARM9', but I do not see it in their site any more.Contact them.