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Connect to the SPBTLE-1S module with PC

Ond?ej Bure¨
Associate II

Dear ST team

I would like to ask you, how should I properly connect the module SPBTLE-1S to Windows 10 PC. I found in the document UM2264 (chapter 4.2.5 Using BlueNRG-1 Flasher utility with other boards) instructions how to connect it to PC and programm it. So tried to wire module as is shown in attachment test with putty if RxD and TxD of my UART to USB converter works well and connect it Module to PC. I went step by step by isntructions in chapter 4.2.5 (reset pin to GND then connect BOOT pin to 3V3 and after this connect RESET to 3V3) but I was unable to read memory or flash there some hex file.

So could I ask you, where could be problem? TxD and RxD pin position I determined by STEVAL-IDB007V1M schematic, but I am not sure about it. Is those pins correct for preprogrammed firmware ?

And could I also ask on basic software configuration of module ? Every module that I worked with had some preprogrammed firmware that tried to connect to PC. I am not sure about this one. I tried to power it (with pushed up RESET pin) and I hoped that I will find it as bluetooth device in my PC/Mobile/tablet/... but I didn't.

Thank you for any help


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Winfred LU
ST Employee

Hi Ondra,

Not pretty sure what's wrong, but to answer some of the questions.

> TxD and RxD pin position I determined by STEVAL-IDB007V1M schematic, but I am not sure about it. Is those pins correct for preprogrammed firmware ?

The pins are correct. (Refer to UM2264, Table 2)

By default, DIO8 (pin 10) serves as the TXD pin, and DIO11 (pin 11) serves as the RXD pin.

They are correct for programming the firmware with UART bootloader.

Both TXD and RXD can be configured to other pins, but if you are about to use bootloader, they are fixed to DIO8 and DIO11.

> Every module that I worked with had some preprogrammed firmware that tried to connect to PC. I am not sure about this one. 

As far as i know, the flash is NOT programmed with any firmware from the factory.

Please note that whenever your application is programmed correctly, remember to remove the pull-up at BOOT pin, so that the application can start normally.

Best Regards,
