2023-04-26 3:40 AM
X-nucleo-VL53L8A1 not working with nucleo-f401re and GUI,
when i connect vl53l8 expansion on Nucleo-f401re ---LD1 blinks red and green...also com port shows in device manager but vl53l8 GUI does not show/detect com port
2023-04-26 5:04 AM
Hello @imdc,
I recommend you check the schematic and Jumpers and in the User Manual :
Getting started with the X-NUCLEO-53L8A1 Time-of-Flight expansion board based on the VL53L8 series.
Did you evaluate the VL53L8 with the example application available in the X-CUBE-TOF1:
2023-04-26 5:27 AM - edited 2023-11-20 7:06 AM
Hello @Imen DAHMEN thanks for the quick response.
I have checked the schematic and the jumper setting looks fine.
PFA picture and video.
2023-04-26 9:09 AM
from time to time I get issues where the eval kits require some special push.
But run the GUI. On the initial screen is a user manual. Read it. Generally solves some issues.
But assuming you have read the manual, and cannot get the code to load, we can try this:
1) check the device manager for a serial port. Should be obvious - has the STMicro name on it.
2) make sure you see a disk drive (NOD_F401RE or NODE_F401RE).
If you don't see these, you are using a power-only USB cable. Cut it in half and get a real one.
Go to:
C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\VL53L5_Evaluation_Kit\en.stsw-link009
And run the dpinst_amd64.exe function - it will update the STLink on your white board (the breakout part)
Go to C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\VL53L5_Evaluation_Kit\Resources and drag the F401RE.bin file into your NOD_F401RE disk drive. Check to see the LED near the USB is blinking.
The GUI should do this for you, but sometimes it does not.
Then re-run your GUI. Sometimes after downloading, you need to kill the GUI, unplug and replug the USB cable and start again.
That should do it.
2023-04-26 9:54 AM
Hello John,
Thanks for the detailed procedure.
1) check the device manager for a serial port. Should be obvious - has the STMicro name on it.
2) make sure you see a disk drive (NOD_F401RE or NODE_F401RE).
> YES, Both options are fine i can see com port as well as disk drive
> I have updated both st link and NOD_F401RE firmware.
but The moment I connect vl53l8 expansion board on base board (nucleo)...LD1 keeps blinking green and red.
the same nucleo base board was working fine with vl53l5 satel board , but its not working with vl53l8 expansion board.
its strange!!
2023-04-26 10:11 AM
Don't worry about that blinkiing LED. It just does sometimes. Don't know why. Not important.
Just keep going.
Plug it in, Got to the GUI software and refresh the list. Then flash the firmware.
Did that work?
2023-04-26 10:20 AM
It does not work, if i connect the expansion board on nucleo f401RE board...the GUI does not display com port list on refresh,
and then after some time it flashes a message that com port closed. overall the GUI becomes unresponsive and the disk drive keeps disappearing and appearing again and again, sometime even all USB port freezes , it resumes when i disconnect usb cable from nucleo.
i have recently purchased this vl53l8 expansion board .
2023-04-26 10:38 AM
you have an intermittent cable. Get a new one. Unfortunately, I've seen this issue too.
2023-04-26 10:48 AM
I will try that tomorrow and update you. thanks!!
I have also raised a ticket related to VL53L5 people counting.
I really need your help on that ...to validate what we are doing is in correct direction.
I can share more info on email or in message.