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Why can't I send an app to my SensorTile using ST BLE Sensor and Create Apps on iOS?

Associate II

For my SensorTile, when I open the ST BLE Sensor app then create/use an app in Create Apps and tap Play, I get a "Board scanning has timed out" error message. Everything under "Connect to a device" interacts happily with the SensorTile. What's the problem? 

I'm using the ST BLE Sensor app v 4.4.3 on iOS.

Thank you.


Ps: thank you Al for the useful and detailed report on your different tests, and for the outside-of-work support :) Be well! Eleon

Hi Eleon, OK on the base address. Will try reprogramming later today once I have done some logging, now that the SensorTile.Box is happy to communicate to my LG phone. My plan is to look for any corruptions in the data sent via BLE, as I did see something odd during one of the early tests, where an extra couple of characters appeared, but that could be where the phone timed out after 2 minutes.

I had a bit of trouble compiling and linking ALLMEMS2. My tech support team solved that: the STM32 Workbench project had some files set for HW FPU and others for SW FPU in Release mode.



Hi Eleon, Some unavoidable jobs came along for me to do this afternoon, but I will try your software tonight.

One quick question...How do I get access to the SD card? I have tried the SD Card Log App, but cannot see a way of extracting the data without physically removing the card and sticking in a card reader. A USB cable shows no extra COM port or hard drive when plugged into a Win10 laptop.



Hi Al, your PC should view the SD at automatically when not connected to the Bluetooth... You can check if you have issues with the ST card trying to upload an example application that involves the SD card, such as the "Data recorder" one. Of course, if you have a card reader is good.

Btw, please check this new FW 334 version instead of the rev 333, should be better.


Thanks for 334. I will let you know what I discover with it. Regards, Al

Good news and bad news!

Without BL connected, the SD card was visible from a PC via a USB cable, and files named <emsData_10March_20_000.csv and output.csv, output_1.csv etc found. These were transferred into LibreOffice and seems to be a selection of sensor data at 100Hz update rate/ 10ms. Great!

I then tried to update the firmware to 334 via my Nexus 4 BT link.

It reached 700-odd k and just like before, failed with Upload Error: Error sending the data.

So I disconnected the battery and booted up via USB in Boot mode and programmed the board with STM32Cube programmer software.

Re-powering the board gave some errors: Error during the connection with the node TILE101. Error 133.

Reboot again.

I managed to get the Environmental page displayed, but temp, humidity and battery voltage readings were all 'not available'.

Sadly I don't have access to another Android ;-(

On power up, the blue and green LEDS flash twice, then the blue LED flashes every 2 seconds when connected.

'Uploading your App, it may take a few seconds' now fails. ST BLE Sensor. There was an error loading the App on the board.

Blue led flashes even when BT switched off.

This morning's tests: I can now download apps to the via my Nexus4 BT, most of the time, just the occasional fail. The Environmental page now displays temp etc! So it seems to be running. The SD card via USB is detected when BT is not connected.

Is there a way of changing the Data Recorder app to store readings at a slower interval e.g. with the Cloud Apps?

Or can I have the source code and change it there?

I have not been able to get the binary code from ALLMEMS2 to work. Maybe I need to load it at 8004000?

The STM32Cube programmer produces some strange output (depends on Verbosity level) when programming:


UpLoading data

sending an abort request

setting the address pointer to address: 0x080ad400 (etc)

receiving packet nbr: 0

sending an abort request


Is that correct? 'Abort request' sounds like a problem has been detected!



Hi Al,

>> Is there a way of changing the Data Recorder app to store readings at a slower interval e.g. with the Cloud Apps?

You can edit the Data Recorder app and the ODR for each sensor, as indicated below



>> I have not been able to get the binary code from ALLMEMS2 to work. Maybe I need to load it at 8004000?

Did you follow all the indication of the post i linked you? The bootloader should be already included in the ALLMEMS2 funtion pack .bin file...


Thanks for the stm32programmer_how_to. I have watched your previous video.

I did get my compiled & linked code ALLMEMS2 to run(!) by loading it at 8004000 and not letting the programmer erase the bootloader at 8000000-8003fff. Its name is now AM2V200 ;)

But it cannot find its SD-card.

Any attempt to send mail gives the warning that most e-mail systems cannot accept files of 8896560MB, so I cancelled that.

I seem to have less success programming on this tower PC compared to the laptop. I had better check the driver properties next time I go to Boot mode.

Are your screenshots of changing sensor values from 334 software? My Nexus has a smaller screen so some things don't show as well.



Some good news ;) my Nexus 4's battery discharged overnight and it did a full reboot when charged up this morning. I was now able to modify the SD log app's update times and download the SD log app with zero errors! The SD card is visible on this PC when the SensorTile is not connected via BT. Great! The log file Output_NN.CSV still has entries every 10ms so I will do some more testing by changing parameters on the SD log app. If anything goes wrong, I will reboot the Android as that seemed to help.

Another thought: It may be a useful idea to log the downloading process on the SD card so the reason it fails can be discovered?