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While studying the official example project, I found that the functions defined in the.c file were not found in int main()

Associate II

Recently, I have an Audio_playback_and_record project to understand the use of ST MEMS microphone. My purpose is to understand the running order of the functions defined in waverecorder.c, but I find that int main() can not find the function defined in waverecorder.c file. And the main function also has acceleration sensor content, which makes me very confused

The main program is as follows:

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bjY6zQAE.pngI also upload the project


What's the error reported?

From compiler or linker?

Compiler, check you have prototypes.

Linker, that the code containing the functions is built and liked.

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Thanks for your reply!

The program compiled with no errors, I just want to knowthe running order of the functions defined in waverecorder.c