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Which product to use to make the chain of low weight BLE sensor nodes ?


Is it possible to pass the telemetry data from one SensorTile to another to deliver the information from big distance like one kilometer ?

As I understand the maximum range for BlueNRG-MS should be about 33 meters.

Is it possible to make a chain of them to deliver the information to the mobile phone ?

The SensorTile is very small and lightweight. Is it still in production ?

ST Employee

Hi @ATkachenko​ ,

Your purpose is to build up a mesh of SensorTile, or you would like to just implement a communication between two sensor nodes spaced by 1 kilometer?

In this second case, you could use WiFi technology instead of Bluetooth, and a device that can be used for this purpose is the STEVAL-STWINKT1 application board on which you can mount the Wi-Fi STEVAL-STWINWFV1 expansion board.

On the other side, you could use the available FP-SNS-BLEMESH1 function pack, that runs on the board and on the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 connected to a NUCLEO-L476RG development platform. Be aware that the is not the Sensortile.

If you actually want to implement a BLE mesh with the SensorTile (making it a "Beacon" node), it might be not so immediate to implement the mesh, and you should keep also in mind that you have to supply each SensorTile with a battery. I would suggest you to use the STEVAL-BCN002V1B (aka «BlueTile») that is equipped by the BlueNRG-2 chip and can be configured through the Software package STSW-BNRG-Mesh.

Let me please know if you can manage your application with these tools.
