2022-06-22 11:33 PM
10K Pull up is mentioned in the data sheet
2022-06-23 11:27 PM
Hi @RRain.1 ,
did this thread solved your issue?
Typically, I2C lines pull-ups range from 1kOhm to 40kOhm. 101kOhm is about in the center of this range. It's mostly related to the driving capability of the I2C pins.
2022-06-23 11:44 PM
I want to know the resistor value in kilo ohms but the value you mentioned is in kHz.
Please clarify.
2022-06-23 11:45 PM
Sorry wrong unit measure from my side
2022-06-23 11:52 PM
How 1 - 40 K range is obtained?
2022-06-24 7:38 AM
You might refer to documents like this.
But in general the valued are determined at application level.