2019-12-06 4:23 PM
I am trying to explore the SensorTile.box functionality using Windows and so far I did not have much success getting any information from it. Presently I am trying to use Unicleo GUI to see any data coming out of the box. So I flashed the binary from the DatalogExtended exampe into the tile and disconnected/reconnected it. First thing, I can see a new COM port and a virtual COM port devices appearing in the DeviceManager when I connect the device. So far, so good.
Now I open Unicleo (version and I can see the new COM port in the Select Device dropdown. Then I click Connect and ...
Now, allegedly Unicleo can read data through BLE . OK, I go to Settings and enable BLE support. Nothing happens. Well, I thought maybe the device has to be paired? I go to Windows Settings form and try to add a new device - nothing found.
So, do I miss anything here?
2020-01-23 10:45 AM
Hello @Rita Ch. ,
for the DatalogExtended FW did you take it form FP-SNS-STBOX1?
If yes and Unicleo is still not able to connect to the device, could you please try to erase the device and program it again and reset it (disconnect/connect) the battery.
For the BLE connection you need to have the original firmware which works also with the ST BLE Sensor mobile application, then you need to pair the device in Windows (Windows 10 are required). Then it should be possible to communicate with the device from Unicleo-GUI.