2020-01-06 3:18 AM
Have you a sample code in mbed for read value of accelerometer characteristic from SensorTile.box with X-Nucleo IDB05A1
2020-01-23 8:40 AM
Hi @CTARA.2289 , do you want to interface the ST.box and the X-Nucleo IDB05A1 via BLE? The BLE module on ST.box is managed by the FP-SNS-STBOX1 firmware function pack, in the STM32CubeFunctionPack_STBOX1_V1.0.0\Middlewares\ST\BlueNRG2 folder. For a sample code of this FP in mbedOS, please contact please contact ST sales office and representatives of your region from the online support for further information. By now, there is only a sample code for the standard Sensortile. Regards