2018-02-22 8:28 AM
I'm trying to use MotionFX for one of my projects but I can't initialize it.
I'm able to get the version of the library but once I initialize it, the board freezes.
Here's a screenshot from the debugging process:
I'm not sure why r2 is not equal to r3, I've not been able find more details. Not sure how to solve it.
PS. I'm running this on the nrf52832 which I thought would work because it's the same Cortex M4F.
#motiongc2018-02-22 12:36 PM
It is allowed to use these algorithms only with ST devices which means the combination of at least: a) one ST microcontroller and b) one device chosen by
You between a ST radio frequency connectivity device and a ST MEMS sensor integrated circuit. The algorithms available in X-CUBE-MEMS1 package will run only on STM32. Please checkhttp://www.st.com/resource/en/license_agreement/dm00367782.pdf
!If you want to run it on other microcontroller please contact sales office, they will evaluate your request.
2018-02-22 2:02 PM
Thank you very much for the clarification. I'm waiting for the STM32F303K8 to arrive and I will test it there too.
I am using the LSM9DS1 sensor which is produced by ST, I thought it's enough to be able to test the library.
The point b is a bit unclear, it looks like it's unfinished.