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STEVAL-MKI159V3 , I2C DATA not renewal.

Associate II

It seems to read the data normally at first.

After that, it keeps getting the same data.

Moving the sensor does not change the data value.

Is there any other command I need to pass before getting the value?

I know you are busy, but please reply.

upload image : Storing gyro data in a test_array every second


Senior II

Hi, ST eval adapter for the LSM9DS1 is named STEVAL-MKI159V1, where did you found the STEVAL-MKI159V3 one?

Can you check if the adapter you have looks like this one?

0693W00000D27wIQAR.jpgAnd after how many readings does the device stop working?

You can in the meantime check the device configuration on github drivers --> lsm9ds1_read_data_polling.c


2 responses

1.oh, yes. I misspelled V1 as V3. that's right.

The device does not stop and continues to receive the same value as the first one.

For example, if you receive -1 at the beginning, it continues to return only the value of -1.

2.Repeat the "lsm9ds1_read_data_polling" function in the example you sent?

​Sorry for asking a stupid question while you're busy.

I will try tomorrow. Thanks


I'm sorry but I don't know how to use "​lsm9ds1_read_data_polling.c"

it doesn't have a "main" function.

Hi @YKang.3​ , no worry, you should include the code in your project. Examples of projects can be found in online function packs such as FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1
