2018-03-13 6:38 PM
I am testing IKS01A2 with the help of Unicleo-GUI. Recently something confused me. I enabled only one sensor LSM6DSL, and selected Full Scale as 2, ODR as 6600, and saved datalog for some seconds. But when I check the csv file, I found only 697 data per second. But if I change the ODR settings 13, it do output data 13 per second. Is the function of higher output rate blocked? Or is there any other modification I should do before set to 6600?
#odr2018-03-13 11:29 PM
I find something in getting started file, it says'The serial line used for communication has limited bandwidth, so higher ODR values (above 500Hz) may not be respected.',then it make sense. But now if I want to have higher resolution data for later analysis, what should I do to get that?
2018-03-15 9:41 AM
Yes, the bandwidth is limited by I2C bus between sensor and the MCU and also by UART between MCU and ST-Link which makes UART to USB convector. You wont be able to achieve 6600Hz with this hardware.
You need hardware with SPI connection between sensor and MCU and with direct connection to USB or save data to SD card for example. You could use