2018-03-08 8:11 AM
LSM9DS1 has the register ORIENT_CFG_G(13H).
What mean its bits Orient[2:0] Directional user orientation selection ?
#directional-user-orientation-selection #lsm9ds1-directional-user-orientation-selection*2018-03-15 1:45 AM
The bits Orient [2:0] in register ORIENT_CFG_G (0x13) can be used to change the axis orientation, as reported in following table.
2018-03-15 2:30 AM
Thank you,
this table I've found in the datasheet for LSM6DS3US (September 2017 DocID028476 Rev 5).
As I use datasheet for LSM9DS1 (March 2015 DocID025715 Rev 3) the table is absent here.
There are some other reasons as well to ask: which release of datasheet for LSM9DS1 is the latest one?
Which others documents can be used for LSM9DS1 may be with some notes (e.g. I’ve seen an explanation of self-test for LSM9DS1 on base of a document for another chip).
2018-03-15 9:56 AM
The datasheet DocID025715 Rev 3 from March 2015 is the latest one.
Yes, the table is missing there, it should be fixed soon.
There is no other document for LSM9DS1.