2019-07-17 7:52 AM
I've bought a Sensortile.box and, aside from App usage with BLE, I'm having troubles in writing firmware. I have the following problems:
I would like to write a simple code, as usual, to access sensors and do some computations onboard before getting output through USART for a custom application, so it is vital to know where sensors are connected.
Thanks for your support.
2019-07-19 6:41 AM
Hi @peppea82 ,
--> which STLINK version are you using for the JTAG communication? ST-LINK/V2 or ST-LINK/V3?
--> do you mean the FP-AI-SENSING1 FW examples? However, an IoC configurable file is intended to be ready soon.
2019-07-24 12:31 AM
@Eleon BORLINI, i am quite on the same position as him/her
I have STLINK-V3set, and from some example i have found. I think i have managed to flash the FP-AI-SENSING1 to the SensorTile.Box, but how do i write programs for example i want to delete a certain feature in it or edit some feature in it and then upload it to the SensorTile.Box, how do i do it?
Some Documentations and/or Tutorials would be great.
Thanks and Sorry for the trouble
2019-07-24 5:31 AM
Hi @reokyouma , if you want to modify the FP-AI-SENSING1 package, you have to open it with a programming toolchain, such as STM32CubeIDE (based on Atollic) or IAR-EWARM, make your modification and then download on the SensoTile.box STM32 via STLINK-V3. However, please note that STLINK-V3set is 3.3V compatible and, as pointed out in the SensorTile.box user manual:
Note: Your ST-LINK must have the level shifter to function at 1.8 V (the SensorTile.box power supply)
This means that it is not so straightforward to debug your update FW on the SensorTile, and you could maybe generate the binary file of your app and upload it via dfu mode (boot0 button). Regards
2019-07-24 9:18 PM
I thought based on the log of flashing of sensing1, that the STlink have output of 1.8V
Sorry that i forgot to say that i also have MB1440B attached in STLINK-V3SET for flashing