‎2019-10-31 6:01 AM
Hello, I had a problem while transfering one of available Demos for my SensorTile.box (STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1) , probably a battery issue, and data transfer wasn't complete. After it, app find TILEBOX but don't connect. Is there a way to reset it to default ?
Ricardo Urio
Solved! Go to Solution.
‎2019-11-13 7:58 AM
My blue box is rescued =)
Thank you.
I have one more question. Now i used BLEFOTA.bin to download firmware through BLE Sensor App (with fw BLESensors.bin i can not create my own sensor sets, there is error writing new app).
Is there any sleep mode in this firmware (3V22)? Because if i left box unconnected for some time i can not connect again. I need to connect it to usb first or hold PWR button on the board (but i have enclosure closed). Is any other way to wake it up?
‎2020-03-31 3:48 AM
I have similar problem, I really don't know what happened. I haven't been able to detect my sensor for 2 days.
I used to be able to detect it in the Tera Term, now the port can't be detected, at all when I pull out and insert the usb cable, windows doesn't recognize the change...
I've tried to retrieve the clues from this side, but in Dfuse can't choose anything. See image.
Thanks for your answer in advance.
‎2020-03-31 4:26 AM
For me, the problem was solved when uploaded the .dfu again, but only using "Upgrade" button from "Upgrade or Verify Action" panel. Before, I used "Upload" button too.
Ricardo Urio
‎2020-03-31 4:31 AM
Hi @Community member​ , pls check also the DFuSe demo drivers are not conflicting if you may have installed the STM32CubeProgrammer. Regards
‎2020-03-31 5:02 AM
First of all, thank you for very fast respond. Yes, indeed I have STM32CubeProgrammer.
I will present my current status because I am really lost and stack.
I think that I am able to connect to SensorTile via ST-Linker due to STM32CubeProgrammer because when I switch it off I got "Warning: Connection to device 0x415 is lost". When I upload a SENSING1.bin I cannot find sensor via ST BLE app.
Moreover I am not able use UART, and my Windows 10 does not see a SensorTile, I see only ST-Lineker port.
Do you have any clues?
‎2020-03-31 5:10 AM
If you use the STM32CubeProgrammer (directly using the .bin files) you have to uninstall the DfuSe package. Then please check if you are following the instruction at this LINK, second part. Regards
‎2020-03-31 8:37 AM
Thank you very much, actually I guess that problem came from last update. I don't understand what really happened, however finally CleanSENSING1.bat helped. I can reach my SensorTile again! Thanks for your help
‎2021-01-11 6:47 AM
Hi everybody,
same problem: after the first firmware update via app, I had the sensortile not working anymore..
I've tryed the procedure descripted above, it was unsuccessfull, the sensortile is not visible in the list of the available ble devices.. the BLE led is steady blue
Any suggestions?
‎2021-01-14 12:12 AM
Hi @ADel .2​ ,
Which is your smartphone and OS version?
You should try with the DFU procedure described HERE. Please use this firmware version with BootLoader (attached to this post), and let me then know.
‎2022-02-21 6:37 AM