2014-02-07 12:25 AM
For a project we are using the LSM330DLC 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope module. Chapter 4.1. of the datasheet (Doc ID 022162 Rev 2) mentions self-test functionality, which can be enabled by setting the self-test bit. However none of the registers mentioned in Chapter 8 have a reference to this self-test bit. Could you please indicate in which register this self-test bit is located. #lsm330dlc-self-test2014-03-20 3:44 AM
We are also using the LSM330DLC, and would very much like to know whether the chip has a self test mode and how to activate it if so.
2017-02-24 9:42 AM
Same issue, 3 years later. Any progress on this, or is the self-test feature nonexistent?
2018-08-10 8:40 AM
Self test procedure is not available for this product.
Chapter 4.1.1 in datasheet should be removed.