2017-01-30 9:12 PM
I am Reading the Accelerometer and Gyroscope sensor values by checking the XLDA and GDA bits as follows
if((readReg(STATUS_REG)&0x01)==0x01) // checking XLDA
{Ax = (int16_t) readReg(OUT_X_H_A) <<8 | readReg(OUT_X_L_A);
Ay = (int16_t) readReg(OUT_Y_H_A) <<8 | readReg(OUT_Y_L_A); Az = (int16_t) readReg(OUT_Z_H_A) <<8 | readReg(OUT_Z_L_A);}
if((readReg(STATUS_REG)&0x02)==0x02) // checking GDA { Gx = (int16_t) readReg(OUT_X_H_G) <<8 | readReg(OUT_X_L_G); // typecast as Gy = (int16_t) readReg(OUT_Y_H_G) <<8 | readReg(OUT_Y_L_G); // 16-bit Gz = (int16_t) readReg(OUT_Z_H_G) <<8 | readReg(OUT_Z_L_G); }
But i get stuck by values around -112,-113.......when tilting the z axis from 1g position to around 10 degrees , ( expected output be around 3800 ,(ODR=833, BDU enabled, FS=8g,)
Due to this orientation calculation gives error output, please help
#lsm6ds3 #orientation #accelerometer #imu