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Reading SFLP Data from ism330bx


I'm trying to extract the data Game Rotation Data from the ism330bx sensor. I'm just not quite sure, which setting to use for that. What I did so far:

Setting the sensor for an ODR of 480Hz with a range of 4000dps and 8g.

(ism330bx_auto_inc(NULL))    // set auto increment register
(ism330bx_set_odr_g(NULL))   // 480Hz
(ism330bx_set_range_g(NULL)) // 8g
(ism330bx_set_odr_xl(NULL))  // 480Hz
(ism330bx_set_range_xl(NULL)) // 8g

 After that I can extract the sensor data from the registers 0x22 to 0x2D.

Now I'm trying to configure the SFLP function in the embedded functions:

  I2C_WRITE_PARAM writeParam = {
                                .Address  = ISM330BX_ADDRESS,
                                .Data     = 0b10000000,     	    
                                .Register = FUNC_CFG_ACCESS
  i2cWriteSuccess = i2c_write(&writeParam);       // switches to embedded fuunctions

  writeParam.Register = EMB_FUNC_EN_A;
  writeParam.Data     = 0b00000010;
  i2cWriteSuccess = i2c_write(&writeParam);       // activation of SFLP

  writeParam.Register = SFLP_ODR;
  writeParam.Data     = 0b01101011;
  i2cWriteSuccess = i2c_write(&writeParam);       // ODR = 480Hz (for SFLP)

  writeParam.Register = EMB_FUNC_FIFO_EN_A;
  writeParam.Data     = 0b00110010;
  i2cWriteSuccess = i2c_write(&writeParam);       // FIFO Data (GameRotVector, GBIAS, Gravity)

  writeParam.Register = EMB_FUNC_INIT_A;
  writeParam.Data     = 0b00000010;
  i2cWriteSuccess = i2c_write(&writeParam);       // initialisation (für SFLP)

  writeParam.Register = EMB_FUNC_EN_A;
  writeParam.Data     = 0b00000000;
  i2cWriteSuccess = i2c_write(&writeParam);       // switches back from embedded functions

 From what I understand I have to read the SFLP data from the FIFO. However I'm not quite sure how to configure it.

1. Is there a setting (continous FIFO maybe?) to read the SFLP data easily like the sensor data? Which register do I have to use to read the FIFO and how do I know where my SFLP data is located.

2. Is there a mode to read automatically the last data stored. For example I want to do the fusion with a frequeny of 480 Hz, but I would read the data only at 5 to 10 Hz. So I would only be interested in the last calculation of the sensor fusion.

Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @ritzmo93 ,

Have you already tried to look at our examples on Github?

Hope this helps.

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