2018-11-06 2:57 AM
Status: I have interfaced LSM6DSL with STM32L476. It is working ok. I,am able to get Acceleration along all the axis and also able to compute Roll and Pitch with Gyro and Acc reading fused in Complementary Filter.
Problem Can anybody suggest a method for Obtaining stable YAW value. I don't intend to use Magnetometer. Although i have a GPS.
Application Area I want to implement Dead Reckoning for vehicles.
Thanks in advance for the Help.
2018-11-06 3:03 AM
Magnetometer can effect other devices because of magnetic fields. You should use Gyroscope
2018-11-06 3:11 AM
Thanks for the prompt response
I,am using GYRO as well. and able to compute roll and pitch. m not getting stable gyro vaule along Z axis which is inherent property of all the IMU .
Can u please direct me to a proper integration method for Yaw.
2018-11-06 3:14 AM
I was working on IMU last year as i remember in gyro datasheet can also say when x and y angle over 180 degree z axis can give nonse value. Maybe you should check x and y values.
And also you should check the stability of your system maybe not connect rigid
2018-11-06 3:18 AM
It is quite complex to get stable yaw value with only gyroscope.
You can use MotionFX library from X-CUBE-MEMS1 sofware package
The library offer also 6-axis mode using accelerometer and gyroscope.
2018-11-06 3:45 AM
I will check up that in datasheet.System is currently on Work Desk being evaluated, so no issues regarding connector.
2018-11-06 3:48 AM
I will Check that Library. Does it have a implementation for dead reckoning.
I came to learn that ST has teseo firmware for dead reckoning implementation. Can u provide me a link to it as well.
2018-11-06 4:55 AM
No, the dead reckoning is not included in the package.
ST has developed own dead reckoning algorithm but it is so far provided to only selected customers.