2020-02-03 7:04 AM
I bought "P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2" last week.
I read the manual and try it.
The gateway is well. but the sensor device as "I_NUCLEO_LRWAN1" is not working.
first. I think the device involved a default binary. so, I connected sensor device with my PC.
I opened the teraterm and supply power to the device. but the device is not working. Of course, I did set baud rate.
second, I build a source in "STM32L073RZ-Nucleo\Applications\LoRa\AT_Master\".
I put a compiled binary file in the device and reset the device.
but the device is not working.
how to run the device?
2020-02-03 8:47 AM
The USI part on the shield needs a precompiled binary, should already be loaded
The NUCLEO board will need software to talk to the USI part, and might need solder bridges changed/adapted to forward data from the USI to the VCP
Check you are building the I_NUCLEO_LRWAN1 fork, and for the correct frequency band, etc.
2020-07-11 1:34 AM
the manual is unclear in that point. It's usual that you can't see any thing in teraterm since the UCLEO board and the "I_NUCLEO_LRWAN1" are communicating each other via UART interface as default. If you put the AT Master project as it is on the sensor, it will work in the default frequency band(EU868) even though you can't see anything in tera-term.