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Need help with TMP175 Temperature sensor

BAl K.1
Associate III

I need help with this TMP175 sensor. There is just little references about this sensor for stm32, and i need help if some of you have ever access the TMP175 sensor. any references or source code or library will helpme much. Thank you and please help :(


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ST Employee

Hi @BAl K.1​ ,

since the TMP175 is a temperature sensor from TI and not ST, I suggest you to try to share the same question (e.g. if you need additional information on the sensor) also on their online support page (link).


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Shouldn't it behave materially like any other I2C device?

Does it respond at its address?

Can you read the registers?​

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Yes it is like the other i2c device. but i have problems with address that i should send or something in the datasheet. i just need to read temp data, any advice or references will help me much. thank you

ST Employee

Hi @BAl K.1​ ,

since the TMP175 is a temperature sensor from TI and not ST, I suggest you to try to share the same question (e.g. if you need additional information on the sensor) also on their online support page (link).
