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LSM9DS1, noise coming on all channels when Accelerometer HPF is enabled


I am using a LSM9DS1, the datasheet doesn't clearly state the settings for HPF cutoff for accelerometer.

Moreover, when I enabled HPF using Reg7_XL, I get 0.18g on all the axis, which is noise since my platform is stable. Can somebody help me with this?


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Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee

@Nerd​ can you share you sensor configuration?

What do you write to CTRL_REG7_XL to enable HPF?


DCF[1:0] set to 10

FDS set to 1

Rest of the bits are all 0

Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee

The high pass configuration is correct.

The noise cannot be 0.18g, I guess you misinterpret the output date or you have another mistake in your code.