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LSM6DSL Self Test Thresholds


I have performed the self-test on LSM6DSL and observed that it was noted the thresholds mentioned in the datasheet



I want to know how these values of  90mg > xxx < 170mg  & 150 dps> xxx <700dps measured?

Why does the acceleration and gyro change when put in self test mode?




Federica Bossi
ST Employee

Hi @RamanaKumar ,

Welcome to ST Community!

As described in Section 10 of the Application Note, the embedded self-test functions allows checking the device functionality without moving it. When the accelerometer self-test is enabled, an actuation force is applied to the sensor, simulating a definite input acceleration. In this case, the sensor outputs exhibit a change in their DC levels which are related to the selected full scale through the sensitivity value. The gyroscope self-test allows testing the mechanical and electrical parts of the gyroscope sensor: when it is activated, an actuation force is applied to the sensor, emulating a definite Coriolis force and the seismic mass is moved by means of this electrostatic test-force. In this case, the sensor output exhibits an output change.

The min-max values reported in the DS come from several tests done in production, there is piece to piece variability: on one part you will be able to measure 100mg as on another you will be able to see 1000mg.


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