2020-07-12 6:52 AM
I was testing the LSM6DSL, at first 10 versions of my firmware, the sensor is working fine, I was able to read and write to its register. Now it does not work, reading the WHO_I_AM register gives different value than 0x6A. I hope you can help me.
2020-07-13 8:40 AM
Hi @JBrio.1 , it is difficult to say what is happening from your brief description ;) Is the FW made by your own? And is the LSM6DSL part always the same? Can you also please tell me which WHO_I_AM value are now reading? Maybe it is only a matter of SPI / I2C reading on 6 or 7 bits... Regards
2020-07-13 6:33 PM
Hello @Eleon BORLINI The firmware is based on the LSM6DSL_acc_gyro_driver.c and LSM6DSL_acc_gyro_driver.h. Yes, it was made by me. The LSM6DSL is in a PCB board and is fixed. I get only 0x00 for WHO_I_AM and for all registers. I don't think it is about the SPI/I2C, because I was successful in reading and writing the registers before this happened, and I even made about 10-15 firmware which was successful in accessing the registers. When I load these firmware, it does not work anymore. Tried the BOOT and SW_RESET too but nothing happened. What do you think is the problem?