2020-03-02 4:09 AM
I am using sensor tile to read out the LSM6DSM accelerometers, gyroscope, and LSM303AGR magnetometer data. Accelerometer and gyroscope work well, but magnetometer gives weird output. I set the full scale 50 gauss, the X, Y axis already goes out of the range, and Z axis gives zero all the time. Does anyone encounter this or have some ideas where the problem is?
2020-03-02 6:47 AM
Hi @JWu.3 , which is your SensorTile configuration? I mean, are you acquiring data streaming with the STBLE Sensor app via bluetooth and saving on the SD card, or via USB? Did you configured the magnetometer settings? Regards
2020-03-02 7:04 AM
Hi, I am using saving data on SD card, both saving on SD card and streaming via USB have this problem. I only changed the magnetometer ODR. It's the same issue after I changed back.