2021-03-05 1:07 AM
Recently, it became very difficult to buy some ST chips from market. The prices of these chips had rised by several times in market. When will this situation become better?:worried_face:
2021-03-05 1:18 AM
Hi @looeyc ,
that's a result of the macroeconomic conjuncture of this period, between covid-19 breakout/recovery and the huge world-wide semiconductor market request.
The result has run into a temporary shortage on several products, such as the ones mentioned by you.
At least for the magnetic sensor, the estimated delivery time is some months (two, if we are positive...).
However, I suggest you to periodically check the ST eStore and, in case you need more that 500 parts, to contact ST Sales so that they can give you a more precise estimation on the delivery time than the one I just gave you.