2019-04-28 7:51 PM
I am using the LIS3MDL in continuous conversion mode - high speed at 1KHz. Intermittently it stops converting, the data ready line stays low. I can do a soft reset and the part does not recover. The only way I can recover the part is to power cycle it. I saw where one user said it would stop for about 63 seconds but I seem to be seeing it longer.
Is there anyway I can recover the part?
Background, I am using SPI at 1MHz data rate and interfaced to an STM32F407 interrogating the part with DMA.
The Register settings are:
CR1: 0X82
CR2: 00
CR3: 00
CR4: 02
CR5: 0X40
2019-04-30 6:34 AM
hi Daniel, some question to understand the working point or your system. Which is the operating Vdd and VddIO of your application? And did you applied the procedure of the reboot described in the app note (p. 17):
In order to avoid conflicts, the reboot and the software reset must not be executed at the
same time (do not set to 1 at the same time both the REBOOT bit and SOFT_RST bit of the
CFG_REG_A register).
The flow must be performed serially as shown in the example below:
1. Set the SOFT_RST bit of the CFG_REG_A register to 1;
2. Wait 5 μs (or wait until the SOFT_RST bit of the CFG_REG_A register returns to 0);
3. Set the REBOOT bit of the CFG_REG_A register to 1;
4. Wait 20 ms.
2019-04-30 2:08 PM
I had not found that AP note and will try the process on p17.
My Vdd and VddIO are both 3.3V.
It is difficult to get the part in this mode where it stops converting so I will not know if this is a solution unless I can repeat the situation.
I will respond to this note again providing the results of this test.
2019-05-01 4:52 AM
I did notice that the application note you pointed me to is for the LIS2MDL, I am using the LIS3MDL. Does this ap note also apply to the part I am using?
2019-05-05 7:43 AM
Since the initial report I have not been able to duplicate the failure with the devices I have. I have put in the reboot procedure into my latest build and we are updating our customers. If the problem persists I will report it again.
2019-05-07 5:52 AM
Hi Daniel, I'm sorry, the procedures for the reset/boot are similar but registers are different: CTRL_REG2 (21h) is the register that contains the REBOOT and SOFT_RST bits. Regards