2016-08-18 3:12 AM
I am trying to use LIS2DS12's activity/inactivity functionality, settings according to (4.7). The WAKE_IA flag seems to be triggered alright (also tweaking the wake threshold seems fine) but the SLEEP_STATE (in status register or WAKE_UP_SRC register) flag doesn't seem to trigger. Did anybody have this problem before? Are there any specific settings I am missing maybe? #lis2ds12-inactivity2016-08-29 6:39 AM
It is difficult to observe if SLEEP_STATE_IA is set, because it is set to “1� only one ODR period when the state is detected.
You would need to synchronize reading of status register with data ready interrupt to not miss when the SLEEP_STATE_IA is set to “1�.
Best regards
2016-08-30 8:32 AM
Hi Miroslav,
Thank you very much for that. Regards, Calin