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LIS2DH12: Interrupt issue with click configuration

Paolo Anterri
Associate II
Posted on June 07, 2017 at 23:23

Hi everyone,

For my application I used the LIS2DH12 MEMS in single click configuration. This is my setting:

CTRL_REG1 = 0x5F                       // ODR=100Hz, Low Power mode, Z Y X axis enable

CTRL_REG4 = 0x00                       // Full Scale(FS):+/- 2G, high resolution disable (low power mode)

CTRL_REG6 = 0x82                       // Click interrupt on INT2 pin, interrupt active low

CLICK_CFG = 0x15                        // Enable interrupt single-click on X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis 

CLICK_THS = 0x0D                        // Click threshold: LSB=FS/128 -> Threshold = CLICK_THS*LSB = 0.2G 

CLICK_TIME_LIMIT = 0x02            // Time limit: LSB = 1/ODR -> Interval = CLICK_TIME_LIMIT*LSB = 20ms

CLICK_TIME_LATENCY = 0x64     // Time latency = 100ms

MEMS works fine, with a good click sensitivity in every direction, but there is a issue....

When I move the MEMS slowly, there is some position that the interrupt remains low. It return high only if I move the MEMS again.

Why this happens? Is it the setting too much sensible?

Thank you for your help.....
