2020-11-19 5:11 AM
The datasheet reports an offset drift TCOff of max. 0,4mg/°C.
We made temperature tests with 3 samples and found the offset drift beeing 0,17 ... 0,58 mg/°C so higher than allowed. Does this meet your expectations?
Can you share your measurements?
Thank You
2020-11-19 5:28 AM
We tested -20 ... +50°C
2020-11-19 6:59 AM
Hi @GBra ,
Some questions for toy: Is the OFF_TCOMP_EN in CTRL_REG4 (23h) set to '1' on your devices (as reported in the datasheet p.3), right? And did you keep the device in a steady state condition and in a mechanically controlled environment during the test, in order to avoid the concurrence of external variables on that thermal gain? Did you normalized the gain with respect to 25°C? And is your Vdd = 2.8V as in the datasheet, or higher?
I cannot unfortunately share you characterization results so far, but please let me check, in case...
2020-11-19 7:16 AM
Hi Eleon,
Yes we have set the OFF_TCOMP_EN Bit.
Yes we have a good mechanically controlled environment and we did the test 2x.
Our powersupply is 3,3V.
Here our meassurement. It shows the deviation in arcsecs over the temperature in °C.
2020-11-19 7:19 AM
2020-11-19 7:25 AM
The blue curve is X-axis; the red curve is Y-axis.
2020-11-25 7:45 AM
Hi @GBra ,
thank you for sharing the measures.
So you are plotting the LSB on y axis? Can you please convert them in mg according to the 0.076 mg/LSB sensitivity?
If I well understood, you found 1 on 3 devices with a TCOff of 0,58 mg/°C... this might be correlated also to the Vdd = 3.3V, which is different from the 2.8V of the datasheet and could increase internal heating.
2020-11-26 2:16 AM
2020-11-26 5:14 AM
Hi @GBra ,
thank you for the data. Are you sure it is a IIS3DHHC device (with the final "C")?
By the way, what if you calculate the drift (TCOff) of the overall acceleration vector, i.e. sqrt(ax^2+ay^2+az^2)?
I have to check internally, but the TCOff parameter on the datasheet might be referred to this joint value...
2020-11-26 7:20 AM