2019-12-11 9:39 AM
it seems that the status bits in the registers for wake up are always active - Is it possible to remove them?
If I setup the part to wake up routing the wake up to INT1, then issue a soft reset to the device, setting it up next to just route the DRDY to INT1 ,it the wake_up_src.wu_ia bit is always set no matter what -Is it possible not to have the wakeup functionality active? (or am I missing something that a soft reset isn't doing to disable those bits in the register). Thanks
2019-12-13 12:36 AM
Hi @Community member , did you follow all the steps for the wake-up function settings described in AN5201 p.23-24? You should also check the latch configuration of the interrupt and its duration:
If latch mode is disabled (LIR bit of CTRL3 is set to 0), the interrupt signal is automatically reset when the filtered data falls below the threshold. If latch mode is enabled and the wake-up interrupt signal is driven to the interrupt pins, once a wake-up event has occurred and the interrupt pin is asserted, it must be reset by reading the WAKE_UP_SRC or ALL_INT_SRC register. If latch mode is enabled but the interrupt signal is not driven to the interrupt pins, the latch feature does not take effect (the WU_IA bit in the WAKE_UP_SRC or ALL_INT_SRC register is reset when the wake-up condition is no longer verified).