2019-10-04 7:40 AM
Currently having some issues reading the temperature correctly from the HTS221 sensor.
The Coefficients read as follows.
H0_T0_OUT = 0x5246
H0_rH_x2 = 0x57
H1_T0_OUT = 0x0000
H1_rH_x2 = 0x95
T0_OUT = 0x0000
T0_degC_x8 = 0x27
T1/T0 MSB = 0x4B
T1_OUT = 0x0000
T1_degC_x8 = 0x20
H_OUT = 0x1469
T_OUT = 0x09ED
The humidity seems to be working fine but the temperature does not appear to be correct. Any help would be much appreciated.
2019-10-07 7:30 AM
Hi Matt, I'm wondering if you are correctly reading the values. Did you calculate the rH through the formula (p.2 TN1218)? I'm getting rH 20% with your values...
Are you correctly reading the WHO_AM_I (0Fh) register? Btw, if the T0_OUT and T1_OUT values are effectively 0h, the sensors are probably wrong calibrated... can you check the same registers on other HTS221? Regards