2021-08-31 9:48 AM
Hi, apologies in advance for what is probably a very elementary question. I am a clinical physiologist trying to program this unit to record experiments with patients with movement disorders.
I have got as far as connecting to the device over the BLE protocol using some simple MATLAB commands to connect to the WeSU characteristic + service. This is where I am at:
device = ble('WeSU')
chr = characteristic(device,"00000000-0001-11E1-9AB4-0002A5D5C51B","00E00000-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B")
X = read(chr);
ACC = typecast(uint8(X([2:3])),'uint16');
X =[ 192 3 65 0 9 0 237 3 19 0 15 0 156 255 233 255 207 254 241 1]
I know I am trying to convert into native units but I don't understand enough from the datasheet to get me going! Line "ACC..." is my guess at it, but its not working out.
(A) Am I subscribing to the correct characteristic?
(B) How do I properly convert from the raw data format to the native units of the accelerometer/gyroscope?
Any help (or pointers to past discussions) would be hugely appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-10-04 10:05 AM
Just for anyone else with this problem- I have a solution:
(1) Connect to device and setup characteristic:
WESU = ble("WeSu");
chr = characteristic(WESU,"00000000-0001-11E1-9AB4-0002A5D5C51B","00E00000-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B");
We are connecting the "00E00000-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B" characteristic which is an aggregate of the movement sensors. It follows this form:
(2) Read in the data:
X = read(chr)';
% where:
X' = [73 4 246 255 156 3 182 1 214 255 136 1 18 254 30 0 201 254 194 1]
(3) As you can see in the figure above, we need to access Bytes 2-7 for the accelerometer, and convert from the native unsigned 8-bit integers ("unit8") that MATLAB reads in, to signed 16-bit integers ("int16"):
XYZ = double(typecast(uint8(X(3:8)),'int16'));
(4) Finally, convert to engineering units, following the formula helpfully sourced in the comment by Eleon, above:
XYZ = (XYZ.*61)/1000;
You can see the output below:
Good luck!
2021-09-02 8:07 AM
Hi Tim @TWest.3 ,
Let me try to answer your question here below:
(A) The characteristics looks correct, you could try to require only the 3 axis data using the following string --> 00800000-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B
(B) The accelerometer (IMU) mounted on the STEVAL-WESU is the LSM6DS3, so you can refer, for example, to the C drivers on Github for an easy conversion formula from the LSB units to the physical ones (see lsm6ds3_reg.c)
// Accelerometer
float_t lsm6ds3_from_fs2g_to_mg(int16_t lsb)
return ((float_t)lsb * 61.0f / 1000.0f);
// Gyroscope
float_t lsm6ds3_from_fs125dps_to_mdps(int16_t lsb)
return ((float_t)lsb * 4375.0f / 1000.0f);
If my reply answered your question, please click on Select as Best at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2021-09-03 9:15 AM
Hi Eleon, thanks again for the response.
(1) Thanks for confirming the characteristic- I have swapped to the UUID you suggested.
(2) Thanks for tracking down the conversion - I understand this will take a 16 bit integer and convert it into the physical units of the sensor. However, I am still stuck with regards to how I reconstruct the 16 bit integer from the raw data that I read from the device.
I read in the data with the above characteristics:
device = ble('WeSU');
chr = characteristic(device,"00000000-0001-11E1-9AB4-0002A5D5C51B","00000080-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B");
X = read(chr)';
This yields a 20x1 double. e.g.:
X = [ 85 15 139 217 82 63 41 148 214 190 87 167 170 190 251 70 63 62 0 0];
However, table 6 you sent above makes me expect a vector of 7x1.
his is where I am stuck - how do I convert this into the correct format. I figure this list is a set of 8 bit integers that I should convert to 16 bit integers, using MATLABs typecast function which converts from uint8 to uint16 by parsing the vector in pairs:
ACC= double(typecast(uint8(X(bInts)),'uint16'));
This however isn't yielding any sensible output that conforms to movement - I figure I am reading something in the wrong order?
Thanks again for your assistance.
2021-10-04 10:05 AM
Just for anyone else with this problem- I have a solution:
(1) Connect to device and setup characteristic:
WESU = ble("WeSu");
chr = characteristic(WESU,"00000000-0001-11E1-9AB4-0002A5D5C51B","00E00000-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B");
We are connecting the "00E00000-0001-11E1-AC36-0002A5D5C51B" characteristic which is an aggregate of the movement sensors. It follows this form:
(2) Read in the data:
X = read(chr)';
% where:
X' = [73 4 246 255 156 3 182 1 214 255 136 1 18 254 30 0 201 254 194 1]
(3) As you can see in the figure above, we need to access Bytes 2-7 for the accelerometer, and convert from the native unsigned 8-bit integers ("unit8") that MATLAB reads in, to signed 16-bit integers ("int16"):
XYZ = double(typecast(uint8(X(3:8)),'int16'));
(4) Finally, convert to engineering units, following the formula helpfully sourced in the comment by Eleon, above:
XYZ = (XYZ.*61)/1000;
You can see the output below:
Good luck!
2021-10-05 12:37 AM
Thank you @TWest.3 for sharing the details of your solution!
Of course, it will be helpful for all the Community