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How to modify the sampling frequency of SensiBLE 2.0 accelerometer on ST BLE Sensor APP?

Associate II


ST Employee

Hi @PWANG.1​ , I don't have much experience with the SensiBLE 2.0 module, because it is developed by a third-part partner, SensiEDGE. However, the ST BLE Sensor app should be able to automatically scan the BLE device, when the Bluetooth is on and the device to be detected is on too. Once connected, there should be a section in the app that enables you to select the device (e.g. the accelerometer) and modify the ODR selection.



Associate II

First of all, thank you for your answer. After I enter the ST BLE Sensor, click Create a new App, there is a Human Activity recognition, I can edit it (including setting the sampling rate), but after clicking PLAY It will show the situation like the picture, I have turned on Bluetooth, and SensiBLE 2.0 is also turned on.0693W000000WKgGQAW.jpg0693W000000WKgBQAW.jpg0693W000000WKg6QAG.jpg


First of all, thank you for your answer. After I enter the ST BLE Sensor, click Create a new App, there is a Human Activity recognition, I can edit it (including setting the sampling rate), but after clicking PLAY It will show the situation like the picture, I have turned on Bluetooth, and SensiBLE 2.0 is also turned on.0693W000000WKiHQAW.jpg0693W000000WKi7QAG.jpg0693W000000WKhxQAG.jpg0693W000000WKhnQAG.jpg

ST Employee

Hi @PWANG.1​ , I'm afraid that the "Create a new App" button works only with the module (STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1), while in general the ST BLE Sensor app interfaces with a device (such as your SensiBLE 2.0) where the apps are already downloaded (see also this user manual UM2499). So basically if you are able to connect with your device, you'll automatically see the screen where you can select the apps and change the configurations. Btw, which is your smartphone Android OS version? I suggest you both to contact the SensiEDGE support if the issue is in the BLE connection. Regards

The smartphone version is Android 9 and the Magic UI version is 2.1.0 .