2022-02-15 4:58 AM
Hi all,
i have to readout temperature and humidity of a dhc3021 sensor. Therefore, an Arduino code section is already given:
Wire.beginTransmission(HDC_ADDR); // Readout temp and rh data
Wire.endTransmission(false); //repeated start
Wire.requestFrom(HDC_ADDR, 6, true);
if (Wire.available() >= 6) {
const uint8_t temp_msb = Wire.read();
const uint8_t temp_lsb = Wire.read();
const uint8_t crc = Wire.read();
const uint8_t rh_msb = Wire.read();
const uint8_t rh_lsb = Wire.read();
const uint8_t crc2 = Wire.read();
temperature_hdc_raw = (temp_msb << 8) | temp_lsb;
humidity_hdc_raw = (rh_msb << 8) | rh_lsb;
temperature_hdc = -45 +(175 *(temperature_hdc_raw / pow(2, 16)));
humidity_hdc = 100 * (humidity_hdc_raw / pow(2, 16));
As you can see, Wire.endTransmission(false); after writing two bytes to the sensor (read request) works as a repeated start condition. I know that HAL_I2C_Mem_Write() would actually do a repeated start, but the thing is, this method requires a memory_address, which in my case is not used, because I am not writing to a register. The sensor kindoff just receives those two bytes 0xE0 and 0x00 and knows what to to. Without repeated start, I can't read the following 6 bytes.
Thank you for any suggestions, highly appreciate.
2022-02-15 7:00 AM
If you want to write 2 bytes, then read 4 bytes, use HAL_I2C_Mem_Read() with 0xE000 as the memory address. It doesn't matter