2020-03-11 9:57 AM
Hi! I am using a SensorTile.box and tried to enable Generic MQTT Cloud Logging. Unfortunately I could not get any data to one of the public brokers. I used for example "tcp://mqtt.eclipse.org" Port 1883 (the tcp:// is mandatory, otherwise it won't work, but this is nowhere documented) and "TILEBOX_322657" as Client ID . Cloud connection was successful, but subscribing to the topic /TILEBOX_322657/# (as described in the "Getting started with the STBLESensor application" manual) does not seem to work. I did not receive a single message.
Could somebody help here? Is there any information available how to log data (like for example from the accelerometer) via MQTT?
It seems like I can only enable "Battery". Is there a way to enable other features that can be logged?
Best wishes,
2020-03-13 8:35 AM
Hi @DWind.1 , the cloud section is still under debug, but you can find some Generic MQTT description at p.30 of the UM2499, that describes the ST BLE Cloud section. Regards
2020-03-20 6:03 AM
I am in your very same situation. Thank you for pointing out that it was mandatory to use "tcp://***.***.***" because it was impossible to put it to work!
FYI, I can receive data from the box with Watson IoT and Mosquitto but only for a few seconds, then, the connection with the box is lost. I guess it is because "the cloud section is still under debug"!!
The truth is that I am stuck with the box because for one reason or other nothing seems to work.