2020-09-16 7:38 AM
2020-09-16 9:47 AM
Hi @DPark.4 ,
the X-Y dimensions of the industrial adapter STEVAL-MKI208V1K are 2.45x2.45cm.
You can check it by opening the gerber files available on the site under the Hardware Resources section, STEVAL-MKI208V1K GERBER.
You can open the files with your pcb design software or otherwise with a free online gerber viewer allowing planar measures.
2020-09-16 4:32 PM
Thank you for your reply. I opened the Gerber file through online Gerber viewer but I cannot check the size like hole size, hole position, and so on. Could you help me to have the dimension or 3D file?
2020-09-17 1:41 AM
2020-09-17 5:11 PM
I can see nothing, Eleon. Could you provide me 'step file'?
2020-09-24 1:50 AM
Hi @DPark.4 ,
first, you have to download the file (clicking on it and checking the top bar). Then, open the file with Adobe Reader, and you will see a yellow bar on top page. Click on "Options --> Trust this document" and a red question mark (?) will appear.
You can use the 3D measurement tool for your purpose.
Please let me know if you succeeds.
2023-09-14 12:32 PM - edited 2023-12-11 5:22 AM
Can I just say that this is about the least helpful way someone could still have been completely helpful? Here's for next time:
I hope this doesn't sound too critical, I do appreciate the help. But it could have been so much better with just a modicum more thoughtfullness and consideration.
UPDATE 2023-12-11: For the search engines, the board is 24.5mmx24.5mm edge-to-edge, the holes make a square with a center to center distance of 20.4mm x 20.4mm, and the holes are drilled for an M2 screw.
2023-09-19 5:39 AM - edited 2023-09-21 1:43 AM
Hi @kubark42 ,
Welcome to ST Community!
What you wrote is not completely correct.
The dimension is 2.45x2.45 and the holes are drilled for a M2 screw.
If my reply answered your question, please click on Accept as Solution at the bottom of this post. This will help other users with the same issue to find the answer faster.
2023-09-19 12:53 PM
Thanks for the input! I don't believe you are correct about the hole location. The overall board dimensions are 24.5x24.5mm, but the gerber shows 20.4mm center-to-center for the holes (see attached screenshot). Furthermore, the holes are 3mm, which is a tight clearance for an M3 screw and a loose clearance for an M2.5.
Of course, this would be very easy to determine if ST would simply publish a schematic. It says a lot that the board documentation is unsatisfactory to the point that even ST's workers are confused and publishing wrong data.
2023-09-21 1:48 AM
Hi @kubark42 ,
I really don't understand the reason why the boards you mention have not same size we have discussed
Our normal plan is to do the same size for square boards and the size center hole to center hole is 20.4mm in both X and Y coordinates.
Concerning the size of the board, this is 25mm*25mm (+/-0.5mm depending the drilling machine). The size of the hole is 2mm as per STEVAL-MKI208V1 DRR file you find here:
3 mm is the metallization of the 2mm holes.
If this helps you, please mark my answer as "Best Answer" by clicking on the "Accept as Solution" button, this can be helpful for Community users to find this solution faster.