2021-01-11 9:10 PM
What can happens with parameters of this sensor if we place it into a water of swimming pools ( with any concentration of chlorine and other salts) and it stays there months and years ??? Do it need any maintenance or replacement after a period of any time ? Thank you in advance for your attention
2021-01-12 12:00 AM
Hi @RPesi.1 ,
please note that -in theory- the LPS33HW pressure sensor is water-resistant and not water-proof, meaning that is able to resist the penetration of water to some degree but not entirely. On the other side, a waterproof object would be fully impervious to water. For this reason, the sensor can be used on water resistant devices such as wearables or smartphones, or in some industrial environments, but it is not fully insured for long-lasting immersions in water.
However, as described in the AN5063 application note p.13, where de design guideline for the pressure sensor integration in a system are described, the LPS33HW was evaluated in a swimming pool and sea water to correspond to the applicative environments. Hot chlorine, bromine, and salt water tests were run on the LPS33HW which showed high robustness and no impact in accuracy nor other performance. Specifically, the testing protocol included 34 cycles (34 days) where each test was composed of an immersion for 6 hours in each water condition and for the following 18 hours dried in a climatic chamber at 60°C, 60% rH. Further tests with detergent water (commercial shampoo, hand soap and water mixed in) were performed, demonstrating the robustness of the LPS33HW to these kinds of potential corrosive agents as well.
The best would be if you could perform some (not too much expensive) preliminary tests in your environment and check it.