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Free-fall and motion detection simultaneously on LIS3DH

Associate II
Posted on November 29, 2016 at 23:46

Hi support,

We wonder if there is any register configuration that allow us to route the motion detection to the INT1 pin and the free-fall detection to the INT2 pin and both working at the same time? Both pins are routed/connected to our uP and we need to have these two features enabled and working at the same time.

Thanks in advance
Miroslav BATEK
ST Employee
Posted on December 06, 2016 at 11:48

Yes, this configuration is possible.

You should enable interrupt generator (AOI1) on interrupt pin INT1 (CTRL_REG3 0x22h) and interrupt generator (AOI2) on interrupt pit INT2 (CTRL_REG6 0x25h).

Then configure interrupt generator according to you needs. Configuration of INT1 is described in the datasheet, check registers INT1_CFG, INT1_SRC, INT1_THS, INT1_DURATION. Below is the list of registers for INT2 which are not in the current version of the datasheet but will be published soon.

Please also check application note

for details about free fall and wake-up interrupt configuration.

INT2_CFG (34h)

AOI -> AND/OR combination of interrupt events. Default value: 0

6D -> 6-direction detection function enabled. Default value: 0.

ZHIE ->Enable interrupt generation on Z high event. Default value: 0

ZLIE ->Enable interrupt generation on Z low event. Default value: 0

YHIE ->Enable interrupt generation on Y high event. Default value: 0

YLIE ->Enable interrupt generation on Y low event. Default value: 0

XHIE ->Enable interrupt generation on X high event. Default value: 0

XLIE ->Enable interrupt generation on X low event. Default value: 0

INT2_SRC (35h)

0-> do not change

IA->Interrupt active.

ZH->Z high. Default value: 0

ZL->Z low. Default value: 0

YH->Y high. Default value: 0

YL->Y low. Default value: 0

XH->X high. Default value: 0

XL->X low. Default value: 0

INT2_THS (36h)

THS[6:0] ->

1 LSb = 16 mg @ FS = 2 g

1 LSb = 32 mg @ FS = 4 g

1 LSb = 62 mg @ FS = 8 g

1 LSb = 186 mg @ FS = 16 g


D[6:0] 1 LSb = 1/ODR (Duration time is measured in N/ODR, where N is the content of the duration register.)